Cuenta de Afiliado

El socio es el dueño o administrador de los árboles, que no es indiferente a la seguridad operacional, y que no subestima la necesidad de revisar periódicamente su estado general.

  • Overview of possibilities
  • declaración

Annual overview of recommended actions

Get an overview of recommended actions at the beginning of the year

At the beginning of each year you can get an e-mail with a list of actions which should be carried out in the upcoming year. The actions might be outdated cable bracing replacements, detailed inspections of older cable bracings, repeated detailed assessments or important recommendations for trees. The same overview is available from the top bar or the front page for logged in users.

Presentation of your trees in map

Let the public know that you care about trees in public spaces.

The portal allows to present the data that were obtained using a large scale inventory and assesment of your trees to the public. Each inventory is saved as a separate project. The position, crown size, type (broad leaved, coniferous) and general condition of the trees is displayed in map. You can click on the tree icon to see more detailed information about the tree. When the map is zoomed out the organizational units are shown instead of trees. This should provide easier orientation.

Configuration of publicly available information

Configure the amount of information that is accessible by the public.

You can mark each project as visible or invisible using a single button. In this way you can configure the amount of information that is accessible to portal visitors. When the project is invisible its organizational units are not displayed, trees are shown without a color legend indicating its condition and when clicked only a basic information is displayed. When a website visitor clicks on a tree from a visible project he is presented with more detailed information which is however still simplified and contains only selected data from all available data. All data about the tree is visible to you as the partner who owns the project only and to other users whom you grant access to your project.

Tabular browser for data in your projects

Get an easy access to your complete data in a tabular project browser.

In addition to a map view of your project you can also use a compact tabular browser to access all of your data in a simple way. The project browser is accessible to you only and to the users whom you grant a permission. The project browser is accessible from the top bar using the Projects link.

Prearranged reports

Print the tree felling applications easily.

The possibility to print a tree felling application is available to all trees from your projects. This feature is accessible when you click the tree icon in the map or in the project browser. It is possible to further edit the created reports and add information which might not be available in the database. A report with detailed info about the tree is also available.

Los registros de los lazos de seguridad

Get an overview of cable bracings which are installed on your trees.

One of the most important features of the portal is an ability to create an inventory of cable bracings which are installed on your trees. The cable bracings can be recorded either by you or by arborists who installed them. You can view a well arranged listings of the cable bracings, have them displayed in map and, more over, you will get an annual reminder at the beginning of each year with recommendations to which cable bracings should be replaced because their lifetime is over or which cable bracings should be inspected.

Configure partner account

Configure your contact information or privacy preferences.

When configuring your partner account you can edit your contact info but also invite another users to get access to your account (employees, co-workers, contractors, ...). If the user accepts the invitation he will fill in the basic info about himself (name, e-mail, password) and will be automatically added to your account and act on your behalf. You can also configure your privacy preferences - whether your e-mail address should be published along with the tree information, whether you want to get e-mail notifications about changes in your data, etc.

Authorizations of arborists to access your data

Authorize arborists with whom you cooperate and grant them full access to your data.

Every authorization is time limited. You will be informed by e-mail about new authorization requests. You must approve every request but you can of course reject it. The authorized arborist will have full read access to your data and will also be able to mark trees as felled.

Scheduling inspections using the ISAT methodology

Get a prioritized plan of site inspections

If you are in charge of large number of trees (e.g. in cities) it might be difficult to create an optimal plan of tree inspections. The portal offers a possibility to create an inspection plan for sites in your projects using an ISAT methodology. The only thing you need to configure is a number of years in which all sites should be inspected. The ISAT methodology assigns each site a numerical score based on information such as how frequented are the sites or when were they last inspected. The site list is ordered by the scores and the sites from top of the list are suggested for inspection.

Searching for arborists

Find a suitable arborist company in your neighborhood

The website allows users to search among the arborists registered on the website. This feature makes it possible to search by company name, name of arborist, city, state and types of services offered.

Los árboles son ricos

Los árboles representan el valor que usted como administrador de sus bienes muy apreciados. Mantenemos la perspectiva de las personas y atención de calidad a los árboles valiosos. Ofrecemos la gama apropiada de la compensación por los árboles y la plantación de nuevas intervenciones talas compensatorias

Los árboles pueden surgir

Los árboles pueden suponer un riesgo, no hay que subestimar eso, y hacemos todo para que sea mínimo. Aunque no es posible evitar por completo el hecho de que los árboles o sus partes, inspecciones periódicas y una atención de calidad están tratando de minimizar sus consecuencias.

Tree care

  • Evaluación de la situación de nuestros árboles cabo los trabajadores cualificados (Arboris - Consultores), utilizando métodos visuales de la investigación con métodos y procedimientos modernos.
  • Comprobación de la seguridad operacional de los árboles se encuentran entre nuestras prioridades. Así que cada año tratamos de complementar y actualizar la base de datos con el inventario de los árboles.
  • La información básica acerca de nuestros árboles se publican en el portal de Internet "Los árboles bajo control."
  • El tratamiento y la plantación de nuestros árboles hecha de jardinería profesionales y empresas arboristica con mano de obra calificada.
  • Si llevamos a cabo la tala necesarias medidas adecuadas de compensación para asegurar la sostenibilidad de las poblaciones de desarrollo de los árboles.